Step 20 of 31

Assembly – Lower Packings Assembly

Assemble the (Item 33) piston by placing the below parts onto the top narrow end of the (Item 33) piston

  • (Item 53) male packing washer (flat side down)
  • new (Item 55) “V” packing from the repair kit (lips down)
  • two (Item 50) female packing washers (1st one lips down, 2nd one lips up)
  • four new (Items 55 & 56) “V” packings (lips up) from the repair kit
  • (Item 53) male packing washer (flat side up)
  • (Item 20) pin
  • (Item 47) wavy washer
  • (Item 46) washer (lips down to cover (Item 20) pin)